Results for 'S. Karolina Maria Kasperkiewicz'

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  1.  10
    Przedmiot etyki w świetle zasad św. Tomasza z Akwinu. [REVIEW]Karoliną Maria Kasperkiewicz - 1958 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 6 (2):133-136.
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    María Zambrano’s Ontology of Exile: Expressive Subjectivity.Karolina Enquist Källgren - 2019 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book analyzes the exile ontology of Spanish philosopher María Zambrano. Karolina Enquist Källgren connects Zambrano’s lived exile and political engagement with the Spanish Civil War to her poetic reason, and argues that Zambrano developed a theory of expressive subjectivity that combined embodiment with the expressive creativity of the human mind. The analysis of recurring literary figures and concepts—such as new materialism, the confession, image, the ruin, the heart, and awakening— show how a comprehensive argument runs as a thread (...)
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    María Zambrano’s theory of subjectivity and modal ontology.Karolina Enquist Källgren - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (7):843-852.
    ABSTRACTZambrano is well-known for her critique of the ideal subject, as well as of philosophy and ‘Western’ reason. Despite this critique, notions like the individual and reason in her works has not been thoroughly analysed. Enquist Källgren argues that Zambrano’s texts contains a comprehensive theory of subjectivity. It is shown that Zambrano’s notion of subjectivity presupposes a structure that positions the human being in a modal relation to her surroundings. The human being can be conceived of as a structure of (...)
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    Scheler and Zambrano: on a transformation of the heart in Spanish philosophy.Íngrid Vendrell-Ferran & Karolina Enquist Källgren - 2022 - History of European Ideas 47.
    This paper compares the concept of the heart in the works of Max Scheler and María Zambrano. Both authors use the heart as a metaphor for distinct human affective phenomena that have a central anthropological, epistemological, and ontological significance. The comparison between authors’ use of the metaphor is organised around three main topics: the order of the heart; the idea of a primordial feeling and its place in the affective life; and the primacy of love in relation to negative affective (...)
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    Scheler and Zambrano: on a transformation of the heart in Spanish philosophy.Karolina Enquist Källgren & Íngrid Vendrell Ferran - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (5):634-649.
    ABSTRACT This paper compares the concept of the heart in the works of Max Scheler and María Zambrano. Both authors use the heart as a metaphor for distinct human affective phenomena that have a central anthropological, epistemological, and ontological significance. The comparison between authors’ use of the metaphor is organised around three main topics: the order of the heart; the idea of a primordial feeling and its place in the affective life; and the primacy of love in relation to negative (...)
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  6. Los człowieka jako problem psychologiczny: podstawy teoretyczne.Maria Stra S.-Romanowska - 1992 - Wrocław: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
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    A Descriptive Analysis of Cypriot Maronite Arabic.Alan S. Kaye & Maria Tsiapera - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (4):536.
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  8. Daden van liefde.S. Kierkegaard & Maria Veltman - 1994 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 56 (4):780-780.
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    Does Work-Family Conflict Mediate the Associations of Job Characteristics With Employees’ Mental Health Among Men and Women?Vânia S. Carvalho, Maria J. Chambel, Mariana Neto & Silvia Lopes - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Canciones patagonicas. Totémicas Y festivas (1963)canciones patagonicas. Totémicas Y festivas.Verónica S. Dominguez & María Emilia Orden - 2021 - Corpus.
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    The Idea of "Archaeology of Perception" in the Process of Trust Creation between Patient and Physician.Yuliya S. Filippovich & Maria S. Filippovich - 2023 - Geltung - Revista de Estudos das Origens da Filosofia Contemporânea 2 (1):e65722.
    The interaction between the patient and the doctor is refracted through the phenomenon of trust. In antiquity, an individual's self-care took place through metaphorical objects: dreams and their retelling, revision, mirror, etc. In the age of Enlightenment, trust becomes in some way an economic characteristic that measures the attitude towards a person and forms an idea about him. In the moral context, the phenomenon of trust manifests itself through sympathy, which is meant as a «social lubricant» (A. Smith), which ensures (...)
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    A velhice na telenovela brasileira contempor'nea: fomento ao debate.Gisela G. S. Castro & Maria Aparecida Baccega - 2015 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 22 (2).
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    Commentary: Forgetting the best when predicting the worst: preliminary observations on neural circuit function in adolescent social anxiety.Rodrigo S. Fernández, María E. Pedreira, Mariano M. Boccia & Laura Kaczer - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Assessing Quality and Evaluating Performance in Higher Education: Worlds Apart or Complementary Views?Cláudia S. Sarrico, Maria J. Rosa, Pedro N. Teixeira & Margarida F. Cardoso - 2010 - Minerva 48 (1):35-54.
    This paper reflects on quality assessment and performance evaluation in higher education, namely by analysing the insufficient link between those two aspects. We start by reviewing the current state of the art regarding different processes and mechanisms of quality assessment and performance evaluation and discuss some of the major issues regarding the implementation of some of them. In particular, we analyse the current limitations regarding data collected, available and publicised on the performance of HEIs and the problems those limitations bring (...)
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    Referential Semiosis in the Shaping of Political Discourse in the Mexican Presidential Election ofthe Year 2000.Adrian S. Gimate-Welsh & María Rayo Sankey García - 2000 - Semiotics:313-321.
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    A Phenomenological Investigation of the Interplay Among Professional Worth Appraisal, Self-Esteem and Self-Perception in Nurses: The Revelation of an Internal and External Criteria System.Maria Karanikola, Karolina Doulougeri, Anna Koutrouba, Margarita Giannakopoulou & Elizabeth D. E. Papathanassoglou - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Academic Achievement in Physics-Chemistry: The Predictive Effect of Attitudes and Reasoning Abilities.N. Vilia Paulo, A. Candeias Adelinda, S. Neto António, S. Franco Maria Da Glória & Melo Madalena - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Properties of functional brain networks correlate with frequency of psychogenic non-epileptic seizures.Elham Barzegaran, Amir Joudaki, Mahdi Jalili, Andrea O. Rossetti, Richard S. Frackowiak & Maria G. Knyazeva - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
  19.  43
    The Role of Infomediaries: CSR in the Business Press During 2000–2009. [REVIEW]Maria Grafström & Karolina Windell - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 103 (2):221-237.
    Given the important role that business media play in corporate life, scarce attention has been paid to the role of media in the construction and popularization of corporate social responsibility (CSR). In this article, we understand media as a key infomediary and examine how the business press has framed and presented CSR over the last 10 years. Based on a content analysis of how CSR is presented in two English-language business newspapers with an international readership, we develop a framework for (...)
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    The process of moral distress development: A virtue ethics perspective.Carolina S. Caram, Elizabeth Peter, Flávia R. S. Ramos & Maria J. M. Brito - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (2):402-412.
    This theoretical paper proposes a new perspective to understand the moral distress of nurses more fully, using virtue ethics. Moral distress is a widely studied subject, especially with respect to the determination of its causes and manifestations. Increasing the theoretical depth of previous work using ethical theory, however, can create new possibilities for moral distress to be explored and analyzed. Drawing on more recent work in this field, we explicate the conceptual framework of the process of moral distress in nurses, (...)
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  21. The Standing to Blame and Meddling.Maria Seim - 2019 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy (2):7-26.
    It is generally agreed that for blame to be appropriate the wrongdoer must be blameworthy. However, blameworthiness is not sufficient for appropriate blame. It has been argued that for blame to be appropriate the blamer must have standing to blame. Philosophers writing on the topic have distinguished several considerations that might defeat someone’s standing to blame. This paper examines the underexplored consideration of how personal relationships can influence who has the standing to express blame. We seem to assume that if (...)
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  22. Picturing the human: the moral thought of Iris Murdoch.Maria Antonaccio - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Iris Murdoch has long been known as one of the most deeply insightful and morally passionate novelists of our time. This attention has often eclipsed Murdoch's sophisticated and influential work as a philosopher, which has had a wide-ranging impact on thinkers in moral philosophy as well as religious ethics and political theory. Yet it has never been the subject of a book-length study in its own right. Picturing the Human seeks to fill this gap. In this groundbreaking book, author (...) Antonaccio presents the first systematic and comprehensive treatment of Murdoch's moral philosophy. Unlike literary critical studies of her novels, it offers a general philosophical framework for assessing Murdoch's thought as a whole. Antonaccio also suggests a new interpretive method for reading Murdoch's philosophy and outlines the significance of her thought in the context of current debates in ethics. This vital study will appeal to those interested in moral philosophy, religious ethics, and literary criticism, and grants those who have long loved Murdoch's novels a closer look at her remarkable philosophy. (shrink)
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    A Philosophy to Live By: Engaging Iris Murdoch.Maria Antonaccio - 2012 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    A Philosophy to Live By highlights Murdoch's distinctive conception of philosophy as a spiritual or existential practice and enlists the resources of her thought to explore a wide range of thinkers and debates at the intersections of moral philosophy, religion, art, and politics.
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  24. Let the donkeys be donkeys: in defense of inspiring envy.Maria Silvia Vaccarezza & Ariele Niccoli - 2022 - In Sara Protasi (ed.), The Moral Psychology of Envy. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 111-127.
    Once upon a time, Aesop says, there was a donkey who wanted to be a pet dog. The pet dog was given many treats by the master and the household servants, and the donkey was envious of him. Hence, the donkey began emulating the pet dog. What happened next? The story ends up with the donkey beaten senseless, chased off to the stables, exhausted and barely alive. Who is to blame for the poor donkey’s unfortunate fate? Well, there could be (...)
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  25. Paths to flourishing: ancient models of the exemplary life.Maria Silvia Vaccarezza - 2020 - Ethics and Education 15 (2):144-157.
    The current “exemplarist turn” within virtue ethics is increasingly shedding light on the importance of exemplars both as enabling one to identify the virtues and for the importance they bear for orienting one’s conduct, as well as for educating the novice. However, even if categorizations of exemplars have already been proposed, there seems to be a lack of discussion on the kind of imitation different exemplars are supposed to elicit. In order to offer a preliminary answer to this question, in (...)
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    Fair and equitable subject selection in concurrent COVID-19 clinical trials.Maud O. Jansen, Peter Angelos, Stephen J. Schrantz, Jessica S. Donington, Maria Lucia L. Madariaga & Tanya L. Zakrison - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (1):7-11.
    Clinical trials emerged in rapid succession as the COVID-19 pandemic created an unprecedented need for life-saving therapies. Fair and equitable subject selection in clinical trials offering investigational therapies ought to be an urgent moral concern. Subject selection determines the distribution of risks and benefits, and impacts the applicability of the study results for the larger population. While Research Ethics Committees monitor fair subject selection within each trial, no standard oversight exists for subject selection across multiple trials for the same disease. (...)
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  27. Civility in the Post-truth Age: An Aristotelian Account.Maria Silvia Vaccarezza & Michel Croce - 2021 - Humana.Mente - Journal of Philosophical Studies 39 (39):127-150.
    This paper investigates civility from an Aristotelian perspective and has two objectives. The first is to offer a novel account of this virtue based on Aristotle’s remarks about civic friendship. The proposed account distinguishes two main components of civility—civic benevolence and civil deliberation—and shows how Aristotle’s insights can speak to the needs of our communities today. The notion of civil deliberation is then unpacked into three main dimensions: motivational, inquiry-related, and ethical. The second objective is to illustrate how the post-truth (...)
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    COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death: disentangling facts and values.Maria Cristina Amoretti & Elisabetta Lalumera - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (1):1-4.
    In the ongoing pandemic, death statistics influence people’s feelings and government policy. But when does COVID-19 qualify as the cause of death? As philosophers of medicine interested in conceptual clarification, we address the question by analyzing the World Health Organization’s rules for the certification of death. We show that for COVID-19, WHO rules take into account both facts and values.
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  29. P. F. Strawson, Moral Theories and ‘The Problem of Blame’: ‘Freedom and Resentment’ Revisited.Maria Alvarez - 2021 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 95 (1):183-203.
    After nearly sixty years, the influence of Peter Strawson’s ‘Freedom and Resentment’ remains strong in discussions of moral responsibility. However, as the paper has become more remote in time and in intellectual climate, some of those influences have turned into amplifications of ideas and claims that are misinterpretations or distortions of the paper, while other notions have been projected onto it. I try to make the case for this charge specifically in relation to what has become accepted as Strawson’s ‘response-dependent’ (...)
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    Leibniz on the Trinity and the Incarnation: Reason and Revelation in the Seventeenth Century.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2007 - Yale University Press.
    Throughout his long intellectual life, Leibniz penned his reflections on Christian theology, yet this wealth of material has never been systematically gathered or studied. This book addresses an important and central aspect of these neglected materials—Leibniz’s writings on two mysteries central to Christian thought, the Trinity and the Incarnation. -/- From Antognazza’s study emerges a portrait of a thinker surprisingly receptive to traditional Christian theology and profoundly committed to defending the legitimacy of truths beyond the full grasp of human reason. (...)
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  31. Primary matter, primitive passive power, and creaturely limitation in Leibniz.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2014 - Studia Leibnitiana 46 (2):167-186.
    In this paper I argue that, in Leibniz’s mature metaphysics, primary matter is not a positive constituent which must be added to the form in order to have a substance. Primary matter is merely a way to express the negation of some further perfection. It does not have a positive ontological status and merely indicates the limitation or imperfection of a substance. To be sure, Leibniz is less than explicit on this point, and in many texts he writes as if (...)
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  32. Knowing whether A or B.Maria Aloni, Paul Égré & Tikitu de Jager - 2013 - Synthese 190 (14):2595-2621.
    The paper examines the logic and semantics of knowledge attributions of the form “s knows whether A or B”. We analyze these constructions in an epistemic logic with alternative questions, and propose an account of the context-sensitivity of the corresponding sentences and of their presuppositions.
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  33. Web 2.0 Technologies of the Self.Maria Bakardjieva & Georgia Gaden - 2012 - Philosophy and Technology 25 (3):399-413.
    Although no scholarly consensus exists on the issue, the claim that a substantive reconfiguration of the Internet has occurred in the beginning of the 2000s has settled firmly in public common sense. The label tentatively chosen for the new turn in the medium’s evolution is Web 2.0. The developments constituting this turn have been contemplated from different perspectives in technical and business publications (O’Reilly 2005), in treatises on convergence or participatory culture (Jenkins 2006; Jenkins et al. 2009), and could be (...)
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  34. Acting Intentionally and Acting for a Reason.Maria Alvarez - 2009 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 52 (3):293-305.
    This paper explores the question whether whatever is done intentionally is done for a reason. Apart from helping us to think about those concepts, the question is interesting because it affords an opportunity to identify a number of misconceptions about reasons. In the paper I argue that there are things that are done intentionally but not done for a reason. I examine two different kinds of example: things done “because one wants to” and “purely expressive actions”. Concerning the first, I (...)
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  35. Alternative questions and knowledge attributions.Maria Aloni & Paul Égré - 2010 - Philosophical Quarterly 60 (238):1-27.
    We discuss the 'problem of convergent knowledge', an argument presented by J. Schaffer in favour of contextualism about knowledge attributions, and against the idea that knowledge- wh can be simply reduced to knowledge of the proposition answering the question. Schaffer's argument centrally involves alternative questions of the form 'whether A or B'. We propose an analysis of these on which the problem of convergent knowledge does not arise. While alternative questions can contextually restrict the possibilities relevant for knowledge attributions, what (...)
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    Role of Country- and Firm-Level Determinants in Environmental, Social, and Governance Disclosure.Maria Baldini, Lorenzo Dal Maso, Giovanni Liberatore, Francesco Mazzi & Simone Terzani - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (1):79-98.
    In recent years, companies receive pressure to release environmental, social, and governance disclosure, since these are perceived as critical issues by society. Despite this pressure, ESG disclosure practices considerably vary by firm. Prior academic literature investigated country- and firm-level factors determining such variation, alternatively adopting the institutional and legitimacy theory. By combining these theories in a unique framework, this study investigates the extent to which social structures and social legitimization influence ESG disclosure practices and each pillar. Results obtained using a (...)
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  37. From eumenidesto antigone: Developing Hegel's notion of recognition, responding to Honneth.Maria del Rosario Acosta Lopez - 2009 - Philosophy Today 53 (4):190-200.
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  38. The secret that is the work of art: Heidegger's Lectures on Schiller.Maria Del Rosario Acosta Lopez - 2009 - Research in Phenomenology 39 (1):152-163.
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  39. Ecclesiology, Ecumenism, Toleration.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2013 - In The Oxford Handbook of Leibniz. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This contribution discusses Leibniz’s conception of the Christian church, his life-long ecumenical efforts, and his stance toward religious toleration. Leibniz’s regarded the main Christian denominations as particular churches constituting the only one truly catholic or universal church, whose authority went back to apostolic times, and whose theology was to be traced back to the entire ecclesiastical tradition. This is the ecclesiology which underpins his ecumenism. The main phases and features of his work toward reunification of Protestants and Roman Catholics, and (...)
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    Neuronal Actions of Transspinal Stimulation on Locomotor Networks and Reflex Excitability During Walking in Humans With and Without Spinal Cord Injury.Md Anamul Islam, Timothy S. Pulverenti & Maria Knikou - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    This study investigated the neuromodulatory effects of transspinal stimulation on soleus H-reflex excitability and electromyographic activity during stepping in humans with and without spinal cord injury. Thirteen able-bodied adults and 5 individuals with SCI participated in the study. EMG activity from both legs was determined for steps without, during, and after a single-pulse or pulse train transspinal stimulation delivered during stepping randomly at different phases of the step cycle. The soleus H-reflex was recorded in both subject groups under control conditions (...)
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  41. Reasons and the ambiguity of 'belief'.Maria Alvarez - 2008 - Philosophical Explorations 11 (1):53 – 65.
    Two conceptions of motivating reasons, i.e. the reasons for which we act, can be found in the literature: (1) the dominant 'psychological conception', which says that motivating reasons are an agent's believing something; and (2) the 'non-psychological' conception, the minority view, which says that they are what the agent believes, i.e. his beliefs. In this paper I outline a version of the minority view, and defend it against what have been thought to be insuperable difficulties - in particular, difficulties concerning (...)
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    Reading Putnam.Maria Baghramian (ed.) - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    Hilary Putnam is one of the world’s leading philosophers. His highly original and often provocative ideas have set the agenda for a variety of debates in philosophy of science, philosophy of mind and philosophy of language. His now famous philosophical thought experiments, such as the ‘Twin earth’ and ‘the brains in the vat’ have become part of the established canon in philosophy and cognitive science. _Reading Putnam_ is an outstanding overview and assessment of Hilary Putnam’s work by a team of (...)
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  43. Mental Images and School Learning: A Longitudinal Study on Children.Maria Guarnera, Monica Pellerone, Elena Commodari, Giusy D. Valenti & Stefania L. Buccheri - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:471241.
    Recent literature have underlined the connections between children’s reading skills and capacity to create and use mental representations or mental images; furthermore data highlighted the involvement of visuospatial abilities both during math learning and during subsequent developmental phases in performing math tasks. The present research adopted a longitudinal design to assess whether the processes of mental imagery in preschoolers (ages 4–5 years) are predictive of mathematics skills, writing and reading, in the early years of primary school (ages 6–7 years). The (...)
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    Use a Spoon as a Spade?: Changes in the Upper and Lower Alpha Bands in Evaluating Alternate Object Use.Karolina Rataj, Deniece S. Nazareth & Frank van der Velde - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Identity and school history: The perspective of young people from the netherlands and England.Maria Grever, Terry Haydn & Kees Ribbens - 2008 - British Journal of Educational Studies 56 (1):76-94.
    The article presents the findings from a survey of over 400 young people in metropolitan areas in the Netherlands and England concerning their views on identity and school history. The research explored pupils' ideas about which facets of history were of interest to them, what history they believed should be taught in schools, and their views on the purposes of school history and history in general. The coding of the data made it possible to delineate between those from different ethnic (...)
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    Labour Pain, ‘Natal Politics’ and Reproductive Justice for Black Birth Givers.Maria Fannin - 2019 - Body and Society 25 (3):22-48.
    The reception of Elaine Scarry’s landmark text, The Body in Pain, focuses in part on exploring how pain might be understood as beneficial or therapeutic. Childbirth is often cited as the paradigmatic instance of this kind of beneficial pain. This essay examines conceptualizations of labour pain in biomedical, natural childbirth and reproductive justice movements that explore the limits of Scarry’s description of pain as ‘unshareable’. Political struggles over pain in childbirth centre on the legibility of pain in labour. Feminist and (...)
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    Vision and Transterritory: The Borders of Europe.Karolina S. Follis - 2017 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 42 (6):1003-1030.
    This essay is about the role of visual surveillance technologies in the policing of the external borders of the European Union. Based on an analysis of documents published by EU institutions and independent organizations, I argue that these technological innovations fundamentally alter the nature of national borders. I discuss how new technologies of vision are deployed to transcend the physical limits of territories. In the last twenty years, EU member states and institutions have increasingly relied on various forms of remote (...)
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    Physicians’ legal knowledge of informed consent and confidentiality. A cross-sectional study.Maria Cristina Plaiasu, Dragos Ovidiu Alexandru & Codrut Andrei Nanu - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-9.
    Background Only a few studies have been conducted to assess physicians’ knowledge of legal standards. Nevertheless, prior research has demonstrated a dearth of medical law knowledge. Our study explored physicians’ awareness of legal provisions concerning informed consent and confidentiality, which are essential components of the physician-patient relationship of trust. -/- Methods A cross-sectional study assessed attending physicians’ legal knowledge of informed consent and confidentiality regulations. The study was conducted in nine hospitals in Dolj County, Romania. Physicians were given a questionnaire (...)
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    50 preguntas sobre tecnologías para un envejecimiento activo y saludable. Edición española.Francisco Florez-Revuelta, Alin Ake-Kob, Pau Climent-Perez, Paulo Coelho, Liane Colonna, Laila Dahabiyeh, Carina Dantas, Esra Dogru-Huzmeli, Hazım Kemal Ekenel, Aleksandar Jevremovic, Nina Hosseini-Kivanani, Aysegul Ilgaz, Mladjan Jovanovic, Andrzej Klimczuk, Maksymilian M. Kuźmicz, Petre Lameski, Ferlanda Luna, Natália Machado, Tamara Mujirishvili, Zada Pajalic, Galidiya Petrova, Nathalie G. S. Puaschitz, Maria Jose Santofimia, Agusti Solanas, Wilhelmina van Staalduinen & Ziya Ata Yazici - 2024 - Alicante: University of Alicante.
    Este manual sobre tecnologías para un envejecimiento activo y saludable, también conocido como Vida Asistida Activa (Active Assisted Living – AAL en sus siglas en inglés), ha sido creado como parte de la Acción COST GoodBrother, que se ha llevado a cabo desde 2020 hasta 2024. Las Acciones COST son programas de investigación europeos que promueven la colaboración internacional, uniendo a investigadores, profesionales e instituciones para abordar desafíos sociales importantes. GoodBrother se ha centrado en las cuestiones éticas y de privacidad (...)
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  50. 50 questions on Active Assisted Living technologies. Global edition.Francisco Florez-Revuelta, Alin Ake-Kob, Pau Climent-Perez, Paulo Coelho, Liane Colonna, Laila Dahabiyeh, Carina Dantas, Esra Dogru-Huzmeli, Hazim Kemal Ekenel, Aleksandar Jevremovic, Nina Hosseini-Kivanani, Aysegul Ilgaz, Mladjan Jovanovic, Andrzej Klimczuk, Maksymilian M. Kuźmicz, Petre Lameski, Ferlanda Luna, Natália Machado, Tamara Mujirishvili, Zada Pajalic, Galidiya Petrova, Nathalie G. S. Puaschitz, Maria Jose Santofimia, Agusti Solanas, Wilhelmina van Staalduinen & Ziya Ata Yazici - 2024 - Alicante: University of Alicante.
    This booklet on Active Assisted Living (AAL) technologies has been created as part of the GoodBrother COST Action, which has run from 2020 to 2024. COST Actions are European research programs that promote collaboration across borders, uniting researchers, professionals, and institutions to address key societal challenges. GoodBrother focused on ethical and privacy concerns surrounding video and audio monitoring in care settings. The aim was to ensure that while AAL technologies help older adults and vulnerable individuals, their privacy and data protection (...)
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